
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What do we do for fun?

I wanted to share a few fun moments we had over the past week.

A Birthday cake for Jesus

Building a Train

Making Soap

and Nailpolish

and Lipbalm

and scooting ..

and ... drinking coffee while scootering

Social Worker Hired and Let the Paperwork Begin

After several weeks of back and forth with old and new social workers (SW), we have hired a SW to complete a new international homestudy (HS) for us.  Our previous domestic homestudy does not meet the international requirements, back to square one.  Our new HS will  have Hague accreditation even though our adoptive country is not currently Hague.  There is a feeling that before long they will become a Hague country and we are trying to be as proactive as possible.

Now the fun of filling out the forms starts ....

Notice the binder at the edge of the table?  This is my attempt at "organizing" our mountain of paperwork.  By nature, I am not.a.least.bit organized.  I am a piler and a stacker.  Messes really do not bother me and I would much rather over look a pile and play with my kids.  It is a rare occasion that the flat surfaces in our home are free from treasures LOL. 

This is important.  I need to be able to put my finger on the documents, not spend 20 minutes looking through papers for XYZ.  So, organization first!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hello and welcome to our blog! 

This blog will chronicle our adoption journey and share our everyday life with you.  From home school adventures to world wide adventures, please join us as we fill the van!

We are a family of nine, Daddy, Mommy, Aunt Sissy and six children ages 2 months to seven years. We love the Lord.  We believe children are a blessing.  ALL CHILDREN.  Our family has been built in many unique ways and we are looking forward to this journey as we seek the Lord's plans for us.

We hope you will enjoy the ride, fender benders and all!!!!!