
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's Auction time!!!!!!!!!!!

We are having a HUGE fundraising auction on Facebook!

Please come check it out!

Here are some of the items in our auction - Please - Please - Please pop over to Facebook and check them out!



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sammy Sammy Bo Bammy!!!

Our little Sammy is having a Sedated MRI in the morning.  Would you pray for him?


Friday, May 10, 2013

iPad Winner!!!!!!!!!

To all who
The winner is   ....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Liberty and the Ocean

Stickers   ... are a secret tool in the

"What do you do with preschoolers?" toolbox.

 We are still studying the Constitution and the founding of the US.

Today we had fun making ..
Making Liberty Bells! 

Making the ocean 

My Father's World Kindergarten has 4 units that tie into this project
Turtle - I don't quit, I perservere.
Octopus - Even the octopus praises the Lord
Water - Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink
Penguin - I show love to everyone, especially my family.
We hot glued of these prescious creatures! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Countdown to iPad Giveaway

We have just four days left in our iPad giveaway!

Will you consider joining the giveaway?

To help bring our girls home?


Trinity                                                                         Felicity

We would love for you to cover our family in prayer during this journey.

 If you have a daily prayer list, would you consider adding us to your prayer time?

So here it is .....

iPad2 in your color choice with WiFi

iPad2 with Wi-Fi

If you would like something besides and iPad2 from the Apple Store, a $399.00 Gift Card can be substituted.

This will end 5/9/13 at 11:59 CST.

For a donation to our adoption account, you will receive ....

You will receive the following number of entries

$100=55 - YES!!!! 55!!!!!
$500 = 200
$1000 = 500
Sharing=FREE entry!!! The more you share, the more entries you will receive!!
Sharing on FB, Twitter or your blog will get you an entry. Just leave a comment below telling us where you shared this fundraiser and your name will be entered.

NON Tax Deductible Donations

Tax Deductible Donations

Grab This!
Be sure to right click on the box below and then select all.

Thank you friends!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

School - Science and Cooking Class

This week we studied water, which materials absorb water efficiently, which material retain strength when wet and had a ball!!!!  Anything that is messy is fun!!!
Our materials included; tissues, paper towels, coffee filters, dish cloths, plastic wrap and aluminum foil.
First we tested which materials absorbed well.
 Even the little ones got in on the action! 
We tested which matereials retained strength wehn wet.

We have been studying George Washington as well.
We made Johnny Cakes and a Cherry Pie. 
Johnny cakes are a pancake that is made out of corn meal vs. wheat flour. 
We served they with molasses, apple butter and applesauce.  The kids were not fond of the molasses.
The cherry pie came from the story of George chopping down the cherry tree.   

Hopie SLATHERED on the molasses ... too much ... it was inedible.  But she was adventuress and tried it.