
Saturday, August 24, 2013

My HOT MESS - Year End School Room Clean Out

Life gets crazy busy sometimes and things get out of control!
My school rooms were crazy out of control!
So out of control, I did not know where to start. 
To start, I moved furniture and swept the floor ...
One shoe ... one sock ... wedgets .... kitty toys ... peg stackers ... books .... papers ... a recorder top ...pencils ... giant tweezers and lots of ...dirt ....
It took nearly the whole weekend and week of working on it of and on as time allowed
and when I had a helper to keep the kids from "helping" me.
 I worked until my bones ached!!!! 
I filled a 50 gallon trash can!
BUT everything is now back in its place.
Where these wire racks are, I had a gigantic piece of wooden furniture and
it blocked the natural light coming in from the windows. 
The wire racks really open the room. and make it inviting vs dungeonesque!
Next week's project is to re-basket and apply color coded stickers to  all the books.
I am accepting volunteers to help with this project ... come on over!  I have coffee!
These books, on the floor. were our book basket books for MFW Adventures, they came out of the school rooms and need to go to a high shelf.  I needed Wayne's help to do that.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Crazy Camp Prep!!!!

The kids are going to day camps this week.
Yes, campS - as in more than one.
As in one that is 28 miles away - one way - ahhh - 112 miles driving for that camp - I don't drive 100 miles a week normally.
Praise God, I have a helper that will be taking part of the crew to the close camp and working with Seth while I am on the road.
I'm pretty sure I will collapse on Friday.
We normally have "hot meals" for lunch.
This week we are not having hot meals for lunch.  I bought tons of convenience foods ... pudding, fruit cups, fig bars, cheese sticks, applesauce packs, goldfish, animal crackers etc.
We did tons of prep today -- all the camp kids have their lunch / snack bags ready to go and we made sandwiches for the kids staying home. 
She was determined to open the box of bags.
The big girls working hard.
And having fun!
Ok, this was seriously funny.  He saw all the sandwiches and plopped down at the table.  He was very excited and ready to eat them!
A week's worth of sandwiches.
All the lunches and snacks packed and in bins!
Stocked!  Ready for the week!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rings for the Ransom! Precious Metal Fundraiser!

We would love to receive your "junk" precious metal jewelry and coins, as our next fundraiser to bring Trinity and Felicity home.

Do you have precious metal jewelry you have no use for? 

Broken chains?
Bent Rings?
Mismatched Earrings?

Gold, Silver, Platinum?

 We want them!

And all types of coins,  jewelry, silver flatware are acceptable!

If you are local friends, we can come pick it up or you can drop it off!
If you are far away, you can mail it to us!
Please email us at letsfillthevan (at) sbcglobal (dot) net


She plays school with us!