
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Sweet Friend Asked ...

Why the change of heart?   I thought you were Mrs. Foster Care, why are you pursuing international adoption of a special need child from an Eastern European country? 

My only real answer is that we were ignorant to the plight of special need orphans in Eastern Europe.  We believed we could never afford to adopt internationally.  Our ignorance makes me weep!   God opened our eyes and changed our hearts. 

God used a very dear MOMYS to lead us to this video.  It tells the horrific story of what happens to these precious children when they age out of baby houses.  We were also led to Reece's Rainbow, a ministry dedicated to orphans with down syndrome and other special needs.

Who knew?

Who knew that for your 4th, 5th or 6th birthday, you do not receive a party at Chuck E. Cheese and a cake decorated with Transformers, but instead you receive a transfer to a mental institution.  You read that right.  A transfer to a mental institution.

Who knew that in a country smaller than the State of Texas there are 100,000 orphans.

Who knew these precious children are locked away.

Who knew children were being tied down, day after day.

Who knew that so many of children transferred to mental institutions die after being there only a short time.

Who knew that this still goes on, this is 2011 after all and we live in a civilized world.  Yep, we were under a rock. 

God knew and he has broken our hearts for these children. 

Yes, c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n. as in more than one child.  We are adopting two new sons!!!! 

One of the boys has the same genetic condition as our daughter .  We cannot imagine her life wasted in a mental institution, her tied to a crib, her left alone for hours on end.  The other boy has a similar syndrome.  God has plans for these children and they cannot be fulfilled in a mental institution.  We have to bring them home.

We really do not know how we are going to pull it off, but God does.  We need mountains to be moved.  We need prayers and help from our family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers.  Our boys have passed their 5th birthdays, there is a chance they may have already been transferred to the mental institution.  Please pray that our boys have not been transferred to the mental institution.  Please pray that they will have favor and care from their nurses.  Please pray that God will place a peace in their hearts, that somehow, some way, they will know we love them and they will soon be part of a family, our family.  Please pray for our family to be strengthened as we walk this road.

In our next blog post we will introduce you to the boys. (We need one small detail to be worked out before you get to meet them.)

1 comment:

. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!