
Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Child Shall Lead Them

I would like to introduce you to a dear, precious youg lady that blesses me to tears.

Please meet ... Lady E

Lady E is all of ten years old and she is determined to help us bring Elliot home.  She has the BIGGEST heart I have ever met in a young lady.   Her mom and I are good friends and almost daily Lady E has an idea for us to raise money to fund Elliot's adoption.  This sweet girl knows how to make me cry!  She is so excited, you would believe that Elliot were her brother-to-be.

Can you believe a ten year old is all jazzed up about helping us pay for our adoption???!!!

She knows the miracle of adoption first hand as she has SIX adopted brothers and sisters, who have found a forever home with her parents.  She wants that for Elliot.

Lady E has created a line of soaps that she is selling and donating the profits to Elliot's adoption fund.  

Three of her recent creations are ...
Honey Oatmeal with Vitamin E, Chocolate Oatmeal and Orange Peel with Vitamin E.

What a blessing! 

What an example she is to her siblings!!!
What an example she is to my children!!
What an example she is to the world!!!

What an example and encouragement to me!!!!
When I have doubts and wonder how this mountain will be moved, I let a child lead me.

1 comment:

  1. I want some!!!!!!!!!!!! Details please!!!


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!