
Friday, May 6, 2011

Yard Sale Report

When we first opened....

We did not think to take pictures before the sale started.  About 4 or 5 hours into the sale we realized our oversight.

I really wish I had a before picture to share with y'all.  It was ahhhmaaaazing.  We had prayed for God to bless this sale.  I had specifically prayed that we would receive so many donations that we would not be able to close the garage door.  AND >>> ya know what >>> On Friday night we were stacking furniture and donations in our foyer.

In total we had 18 families donate to our sale.  We are so very grateful and humbled.  God provided in a mighty way!

We also had a number of friends come to help sell.  Boy, without those friends, we would have been dead in the water. 

I am amazed at how God put just the right people together.  I don't know why I am amazed, after all God can do anything, right?!  It is just when it happens to you it is hard to believe.

Thank you friends! We love you and cannot wait for you to hug Elliot.  Rather than being tied to a crib, Elliot is going to get a hug from you!!!!  He's gonna have a family and a home, something he has never know.

1 comment:

. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!