
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


What a day!!!!!  It started out with an appointment for Gloria at TCH.  While we were at TCH, we met TWO other families and their children ... with cochlear implants.  The Lord knew I was a bundle of nerves and He put those folks in my path.  Isn't it just amazing how He cares for us?

Seth's incision site at two weeks post op.  Doesn't it look phenomal?

Here, Seth's awesome audiologist is prepping his coil.   ... He doesn't have a clue about what is going to happen :)

And what you all have been dying to see ...
Hearing voices - mine and his audiologist's

He was HAPPY to hear!!!! 

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!!!

I was excited, but also nervous and a bit fearful that he would totally flip out.  He didn't!  He continues to amaze me.

Tonight we took him through the house introducing him to "house sounds."


Singing Toys


The CD Player

In the morning, I am going to work with him listening to the doorbell and knocking on the door.

Here the coil is attached and his hair is pushed out of the way.  When his hair is over, you can barely see it.  So far, he has not pulled the coil off.  It has fallen off many times due to his rocking back and forth and rolling his head.  It has two magnets in the coil, I am not sure if a third can be added or if it would make the connection too tight. 

We have another mapping session scheduled for tomorrow.  I will ask about another magnet. 


I have other videos, but they have been difficult to upload.  I'll try again tomorrow.


  1. Love, love , love it!! He looked so happy!

  2. This is SOOOO Awesome!!! How new and exciting the world will be for him now!! YAY!!!

  3. You guys continually inspire me. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  4. This is amazing! Yay little Seth!

    Hopping over to see your clothes closet from MOMYS and got stuck! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family.



. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!