Ok, that was a little tricky ... not my Samuel ... he actually has a Jesus Storybook Bible
But there are many, many, many more Samuel's in Ukraine that need a bible!!!!
Would you like to help????
Then celebrate with us!!!!!
Orphan Sunday and Samuel's Birthday are just a few weeks away.
In honor of Sammy's birthday and in celebration of Orphan Sunday 2012,
we would like to raise
$1,000.00 for Bibles for Orphans.
They are planning to print and distribute
30,000 Jesus Storybook Bibles to orphans in Ukraine during
Easter 2013.
Celebrate Sammy's million dollar smile!!!
Celebrate his fashion sense!!!!!
.... with a donation in his honor ....
Do you have $5.00, $50.00, $500.00 to spare?
THREE DOLLARS will provide one bible.
Surely most of my friends and relatives have $3.00 to spare ...
$3.00 is a super small price to get the story of Jesus into some one's heart.
Think of what your $3.00 seed could harvest!!!!!!!
the hands of orphans in Ukraine!
with Christians in Ukraine to print the Jesus
Storybook Bible in their language and distribute it to 30,000 orphans. Believers will personally deliver the Bibles
to these children through a network of over 100 churches and 30 Christian
organizations already working in orphanages in every region of the
The Jesus Storybook Bible will be a valuable
tool for churches and believers, equipping them to minister more effectively to
orphans who desperately need to hear the gospel message of a loving Father who
sent His Son to rescue them and bring them into His family.
You can donate by clicking the link below and making a contribution directly to Bibles for Orphans ... these donations are tax deductible.
Or you can give/send your donation to us and we will make one large contribution after Orphan Sunday.
Giving the donation to me, will not get you a tax deduction, but I believe, it will store up a treasure in heaven ;)
If you send a direct donation, would you send me a note telling me you did so and if you are comfortable sharing the amount you donated, tell me that too. I'd like to keep a tally of donations made in honor of Samuel.
Donate online to Bibles for Orphans at Razoo