
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Video Plea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In honor of Sammy's birthday and in celebration of Orphan Sunday 2012,
we would like to raise
$1,000.00 for Bibles for Orphans.
They are planning to print and distribute
30,000 Jesus Storybook Bibles to orphans in Ukraine during
Easter 2013.
Do you have $5.00, $50.00, $500.00 to spare?
THREE DOLLARS will provide one bible.
Surely most of my friends and relatives have $3.00 to spare ...
$3.00 is a super small price to get the story of Jesus into some one's heart.
Think of what your $3.00 seed could harvest!!!!!!!

You can donate by clicking the link below and making a contribution directly to Bibles for Orphans ... these donations are tax deductible.
Or you can give/send your donation to us and we will make one large contribution after Orphan Sunday. Giving the donation to me, will not get you a tax deduction, but I believe, it will store up a treasure in heaven ;)
If you send a direct donation, would you send me a note telling me you did so and if you are comfortable sharing the amount you donated, tell me that too. I'd like to keep a tally of donations made in honor of Samuel.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! The kids were so cute doing the video. I just made a $30 donation. Love all the updated about the kids!


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!