
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Adoption made this possible!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adopting out of birth order made this possible.
Adopting a sibling group made this possible.
Adopting across "racial" lines made this possible.      
The devil uses many lies to stop adoptions - don't let one of these stop you!!! 
These two boys love each other more than I could ever put into words.
See how Noah fits in the crook of Bub's arm? 
See how Noah melts into him?
That, my friends, is love, brotherly love, orchestrated by our Heavenly Father!


  1. We also did all three of those type adoptions (in one). Our firstborn had to come face to face with her sinful nature. And she has grown spiritually as a result. She wouldn't change anything and daily thanks God for adding Maya, Isaac & Daniel to our family. I wouldn't change anything either. So blessed!


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!