
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In just a few short hours

I it amazing how fast our court date came and in just a few short hours we begin the long journey to the children.  We have a very fast travel schedule this trip, please pray for everything to go perfectly.

Please pray for the children - all of them - the ones we are leaving, the one we are taking and the ones we are going to see.  Please pray for peaceful hearts, content spirits and obedient behavior for the ones that we are leaving here.  Please pray for Little Man to do well on the plane and that his ears would not bother him.  Please pray for Seth, Sammy and Gloria to receive us well.

If all goes as planned we will get to see them right before court and should be able to spend 2 hours at the orphanage.  Please pray that the judge finds us fit to raise Seth, Sammy and Gloria.  Please pray that God will be seen through our court hearing.  We will be in court Friday at 5AM Central Time.

Thank you to all of you that are helping us bring Seth, Sammy and Gloria home. 

Thank you to my sister and my sweet friend for keeping my the kiddos while we make the second stage of this journey.  Please pray for them as they keep the children.  Without them, we could not do this.

If you have a scripture to leave for us in comments, we would love to have scripture to pray through our journey.


  1. "I will go before you
    And make the crooked places straight;
    I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
    And cut the bars of iron.
    I will give you the treasures of darkness
    And hidden riches of secret places,
    That you may know that I, the Lord,
    Who call you by your name,
    Am the God of Israel." ~Isa.45:2-3

    God is on the move! I am so excited, and praying for you, Jen!


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!