
Thursday, June 23, 2011

We're herrrrrrrrrrrrrre!!!

It was a long travel day, we flew to Frankfurt.  Little Man did great on the flight.  He slept a good bit of time which allowed me to make a to do list.  OH BOY!! I have a lot to do when I get home.

I love these little bassinets they give you for the babies to sleep in while we are in flight.

I have always wanted to go to Germany and now I can say I've been there.

We caught our connection to Big K.  Our driver, Nicolai and our friend Anya met us at the airport.  We drove to Little K, stopping along the way to have a bite to eat and to see the storks.  This is a huge stork nest and there are dozens of little birds that live on the bottom side of the next.  This daddy bird was watching us.  There were a few babies, but we missed them on a still shot.

Tomorrow is a big day and to say I am nervous is putting it lightly.  We know that God has this in the palm of His hand and that His plan is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I don't know all the details of your journey but your children are beautiful and I am so glad you are already back in country and awaiting court. May God continue to lead and guide you and give you peace at every juncture.


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!