
Friday, June 24, 2011

Orphans no more!!!!!!

Seth, Sammy and Gloria are orphans no more!!!!!!  

Praise the Lord, He heard our prayers and answered yes!

Court went well, it was very easy and fast.  Having Noah with us was definitely an asset ;)  There were questions about our motives, family, finances, home and community.  The judge did ask if we were Chrisitans, praise God, that He received the glory and the jusdge saw that it was the love of Christ coming for these chldren, not just some crazy Americans!  The judge praised the U.S.A.for allowing it's citizens to adopt special needs kiddos.

We had a really quick visit with the kiddos this morning before court, and I know y'all want to see some pictures .... so with out further ado ...
At the hotel ...

Outside the orphanage

Mommy and Gloria
Sammy with his shades

Seth ... 

Just a swingin'


  1. Congratulations!!! Sooooo happy for your family!! Mel

  2. Hooray!!!! So happy for ALL of you!!!!

  3. Congratulations! Such awesome news. I guess we will meet you in the big city at the end of our trips!

  4. How wonderful! I am so happy for your family and the children! Congratulations!


  5. Wonderful news! I can not wait to meet them!

  6. Congratulations! What a wonderful story you have to tell! The children are all beautiful!!! God Bless!

  7. Praise the Lord and congratulations!! Tears are streaming down my cheeks!

  8. Tears of thanksgiving here, Jen!!


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!