Friday, June 15, 2012

It's a Date!!!!!!

We met with the cochlear implant surgeon today and received good news.

About two weeks ago when we were in the process of reviewing records, submitting insurance requests, scheduling appoints and such, one of the nurses called to discuss Seth's upcoming surgery.  She told us that Seth would have surgery on his left ear because his right ear had problems. We believed this meant he would only be able to ever have one implant.  We know the hearing aids do not provide him much hearing. 

I was grieved!

I just thought ... really ... I mean ... really?!!! Can't he get one.single.little.break. 

It seems like everytime we make a step forward, we trip and skin our knees at the same time. 

That disappointment was short lived and a prayer was answered, yes.

Today, we found out that as long as all goes well with the implant in his left ear,  his right ear will be able to have an implant.  There was not some huge problem!  The MRI showed fluid and the dr said it is not a huge deal.  There are many ways to take care of it or it may be completely cleared up by the time we are looking at the second surgery.

We got the all clear, signed all the consents and finished up with the surgeon this afternoon. 


Recovery will take a few weeks and then he will be activated and then mapped several times over the next couple months.  EXCITING TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Such great news!! So happy for you all, esp Seth!!

  2. This is great news! Do you by the way know the website? It is a journal about a little boy (Seth - what a coincidence!) and his family - Seth was born with profound deafness and received his cochlear implants as an 8 months old baby. He is now 3 and a half.


. Sorry! I removed the word verification feature and immediately got spammed. So, alas, it is back!