Thursday, May 26, 2011

We have tickets and Happy Birthday Dad!

What a whirlwind of a day!!!  Great progress was made today.  We purchased tickets for the first of our two trips and got things settled with little man's passport.  A surprise came when we purchased our tickets, they were 500.00 LESS than a quote we received a few days earlier.

Today is my dad's birthday.  Happy Birthday Day!  I love you and miss you!  Sadly, there will be no celebration with him as he went home to Jesus nearly two years ago.  I wish he were here, he always had sage advice to offer.  When I was stressed, he helped me relax.  When I was worried, he helped me trust the Lord.  As these next weeks take us to unfamiliar territory, I am going to lean on the teachings of my father and trust the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that your tickets were so much less than you had anticipated!!! So excited that you'll be meeting your little one so soon!!!


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